Me­dia and te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons

You are being challenged to defend and increase your competitiveness anew each and every day. We use tried-and-tested qualitative and quantitative methods to assist communication companies, associations and public authorities with strategic decisions and advise them on regulatory issues.

Fi­nan­cial mo­dels and busi­ness stra­te­gies

Do you want to develop your portfolio, optimise your risk management practices and evaluate promising new business models for your company? We analyse different scenarios, develop cost and financial models, and advise you on the future strategic orientation of your company.

Op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on of cos­ts and pro­ces­ses

We use comparison methods for developing possible cost and process optimisation scenarios for you. With a combination of econometric and statistical tools, we develop the decision-making basis that enables you to improve the efficiency of your company’s processes.

Com­pe­ti­ti­on and re­gu­la­to­ry pro­ces­ses

What are the competitive implications of your business strategy? How does it affect the users of your products and services? Working closely with you and your lawyers, we conduct competition analyses for you and prepare economic arguments and expert reports.

In­no­va­ti­on and mar­ket ana­ly­ses

We use economically substantiated methods to record and analyse how your customers react to new products and pricing strategies. We further analyse comprehensive data sets for your products and services with the aim of gaining insights for your strategic development.

Some of our projects

Future of high-speed broadband in Switzerland

Broadband, international comparison, data analysis, regulatory policies

Examination of the broadband offer and demand at regional and municipal level. Determining the coverage of the current and potential demand from companies and households. Analysis of regulatory solutions for providing services in individual areas without service.

Financial plan for cable networks

Investment appraisal, budgeting, cost accounting

Revising the LRIC cost accounting and the financial plan of a Swiss cable network operator to distinguish between expansion investments and renewal investments.

Customer preferences, telecommunications

Quality indicator, telecommunications service, country comparison

Measuring and comparing the preferences for quality of telecommunications services of Swiss and German customers. The two groups have similar preferences for landlines, but the Swiss are willing to pay considerably more for mobile telephony.

Neutrality in communication networks

Traffic management, best-effort internet, consumer protection

Assessing whether communication network providers operate active traffic management for the transmission of data packets and if they are allowed to differentiate on price and quality. Analysing the market for internet traffic services in Switzerland.

Price-regulated unbundling charges

Virtual unbundling, margin squeeze test, price regulation

Assessing the price regulation procedure used by Austria’s RTR (Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications) for virtual unbundling, as well as assessing the regulation measures and fee structure for different bandwidths.

Advertising in digital communication

Personalised advertising, conflict of interests, public service

Assessing whether the joint marketing of advertising content by Swisscom, Ringier and SRG does the Swiss economy and advertising industry more harm than good.

Competitive effect of radio/TV licence

Media policy, fee financing, market distortion

Using a qualitative and theoretical model to assess the degree of market distortion caused by the fee-financed SRG on other providers and forms of media.

Willingness to pay for replay TV

Discrete choice experiment, preferences measurement, willingness to pay

Determining Swiss TV consumers’ willingness to pay for replay TV and advertising reels.  

Future of high-speed broadband in Switzerland

Broadband, international comparison, data analysis, regulatory policies

Examination of the broadband offer and demand at regional and municipal level. Determining the coverage of the current and potential demand from companies and households. Analysis of regulatory solutions for providing services in individual areas without service.

Patrick Zenhäusern


law firms - trade associations - federal agencies - departments/ministries - professional associations - cable network operators - media associations - national and cantonal industry associations - network operators - network operator associations - network owners - telecommunications and media companies - companies of the energy sector


Hoch­breit­band in der Schweiz - Er­folg­rei­che kom­pe­ti­ti­ve Netz­viel­falt heu­te und in den kom­men­den Jah­ren

In seiner Stellungnahme zur Standesinitiative 16.306 («Gewährleistung eines landesweit dichten Hochbreitbandangebots») des Kantons Tessin betont das BAKOM die sehr gute Schweizer Breitbandabdeckung und dass die Netzbetreiber ihre Netze laufend weiter ausbauen. Basierend auf diesem Fazit belegt die vorliegende Studie erstmalig mit Hilfe der Daten des BAKOM-Breitbandatlasses, dass selbst «Heavy User» mit mehreren 100 Mbit/s Nutzungsbedarf im Down- und Upload sehr gut versorgt sind. Es sind auf Gemeindeebene faktisch keine «white areas» mehr in Hinblick auf die Verfügbarkeit von Hochbreitbandanschlüssen zu beobachten. Daher ist keine Objekthilfe zu rechtfertigen, also keine Subvention für eine bestimmte Technologie in einem bestimmten Gebiet. Möglich ist hingegen, dass Kunden im Einzelfall ihren spezifischen Nutzungsbedarf an Bandbreite nicht vollumfänglich über die in den einzelnen Gemeinden vorhandene Festnetz-Technologie abdecken können («white spots»). In diesem Fall kann jedoch die Nachfrage meistens über eine mobilfunkbasierte Technologie gedeckt werden. Verbleiben ausnahmsweise «white spots», sollten diese aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht gezielt via Subjekthilfe individuell und kosteneffizient angegangen werden. Im Kern darf resümiert werden, dass in der Schweiz die wettbewerbsgetriebene und privat finanzierte Investitionsstrategie mit gemischten Technologien die Nachfrage flächendeckend effizient abdeckt.

Le­gal and Eco­no­mic Com­pe­ti­ti­on Ana­ly­sis re­gar­ding the Mer­ger Pro­ject Sun­ri­se / Li­ber­ty Glo­bal

On behalf of Sunrise Communications Group AG, Prager Dreifuss and Polynomics have prepared a legal and economic competition analysis for the Sunrise / Liberty Global merger project. We conclude that in the relevant markets there is a lack of causality between the proposed merger and individual market dominance. The existing asymmetries between Swisscom, Sunrise and UPC are likely to increase following the merger of the latter two. Symmetries with regard to technologies and capacities as well as costs and prices will decrease; there will also remain fewer product symmetries and generally fewer interest symmetries. Coordination in the sense of tacit collusion and thus collective market dominance is therefore impossible. A look beyond the borders (Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Germany, etc.) also shows that mergers between mobile companies and cable network operators in concentrated markets were approved according to a stricter standard of examination than in Switzerland, although some were subject to conditions due to the stricter examination test or the lower intervention thresholds. The report can be obtained on request from the study authors (philipp.zurkinden [at], stephan.vaterlaus [at] or patrick.zenhaeusern [at] and forwarded to all interested parties. The attached article for the NZZ summarizes the findings of the report.

Struk­tur der Me­di­en­märk­te bei voll­stän­dig di­gi­ta­lem Kon­sum

Wir haben schillernde Persönlichkeiten wie Alan Rusbridger (Chefredakteur und Herausgeber der britischen Tageszeitung The Guardian), Emily Bell (Columbia University, New York), James T. Hamilton (Stanford University) und weitere zu den tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und Vernetzung auf die Medienlandschaft befragt. Die dazu notwendige Debatte führen wir losgelöst von den heutigen Besitzständen. Unsere Studie macht einen gedanklichen Zeitsprung nach vorne und beschreibt eine Welt der vollumfänglich digitalisierten Medienwelt samt Auswirkungen dieses Szenarios auf Marktstruktur und Demokratie.