Eco­no­mic po­li­cy ana­ly­ses

We evaluate economic developments for you, develop economically substantiated scenarios and indicate possible actions to you. The primary purpose of economic policies is to correct market failure. This requires a clear idea of optimal solutions for regulatory policies. However, most of these ideas are impracticable due to the vested interests of stakeholders. We indicate which measures could be realised, which trends and scenarios are on the horizon or how important a particular sector is from a macroeconomic perspective. We focus on your optimal positioning in terms of economic policies.

Im­pact ana­ly­ses

From the Swiss Confederation’s digital strategy to cantonal location promotion programmes or specific industry policy initiatives, the benefit-cost ratio is a frequent ex post question. Do you want to know if political measures have the desired effect? We know the necessary quantitative instruments and research methods for economically substantiated impact analyses. We therefore satisfy your requirements for factual accountability and work out the facts that are relevant to your decision-making process.

Im­portance of in­dus­tries and eco­no­mic sec­tors

With our methodological knowledge, we embed your industry or service sector in the macroeconomic context. We prepare key statistical information to assess the structure and development of your service or industry sector. We analyse the importance of your sector regarding employment, value added or contribution to growth in relation to other sectors.

Some of our projects

Effects of the digitisation on the Swiss labour market

Digitisation, employment, labour market

Effects of the digitisation on freelance jobs – impact of global trends, employment development and possible actions.

Relevance study - financial market

National economy, value analysis, survey of experts

Analysing the macroeconomic relevance of the Swiss financial sector by means of structured discussions with experts and a consensus survey. On behalf of two Swiss associations.

Calculation of the economic costs of addiction

Cost study, addiction

Calculation of the economic costs of addiction in Switzerland, taking into consideration direct and indirect costs. By order of the Federal Office of Public Health.

The economic importance of the healthcare sector in the Canton of Aargau

Impact study, jobs, value creation

Study on the economic importance of the healthcare sector in the Canton of Aargau with a comparison of the cantonal regulation with national Swiss regulations.

Consequences of digitalisation

Evolution of digitalisation, networking, need for reform

Identifying areas in which digitalisation gives rise to regulatory issues, and obtaining possible answers using questionnaires as well as conducting conferences and workshops with established experts. On behalf of a foundation.

Market structures in digital media

Digital media demand, platform markets, opinion and media diversity

Analysing the potential effects of digitalisation on Swiss media markets. Anticipating future developments in the world of media, as well as the effects on the market structure and the possible consequences for regulation.

Megatrends in the labour market

Work, social system, digitalisation, scenario techniques

Scenario analysis of megatrends affecting employers and the potential impact on the labour market. Presenting and assessing potential scenarios for the labour market, the education system and the welfare system.

Economy of the Swiss health policy

Case analysis, reforms, political economy

Economic analysis of the Swiss healthcare policy to determine the obstacles to reform in this area; supported by the Bonny Stiftung für die Freiheit foundation.

Future of high-speed broadband in Switzerland

Broadband, international comparison, data analysis, regulatory policies

Examination of the broadband offer and demand at regional and municipal level. Determining the coverage of the current and potential demand from companies and households. Analysis of regulatory solutions for providing services in individual areas without service.

Dr. Stephan Vaterlaus


Prof. Dr. Johannes M. Bauer, Michigan State University, USA - Prof. Dr. Georg Götz, University of Giessen, Germany - Prof. Dr. Sabine Seufert, Director Institute for Educational Management and Technologies, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland


Tem­po­ra­ry li­qui­di­ty sup­port for power sup­p­ly

On 18 May 2022, the Swiss Federal Council passed the legislation and the dispatch on «Subsidiary financial assistance for the rescue of system-critical companies of the electricity industry». The bill regulates federal loans to electricity companies which may face short-term liquidity constraints due to extreme price distortions on the stock exchanges. Within the framework of the present economic analysis, incentive-compatible, balanced liquidity support measures are approved. This is a pre-emptive measure which should prevent Swiss energy companies being excluded from the stock exchange in the energy market due to liquidity constraints. Ultimately the structure of liquidity support measures must focus on avoiding increasing systemic risk. In this regard, liquidity support measures should be available to all electricity companies active on the stock exchange. They should guarantee that all electricity companies can hedge their production on the stock exchange in spite of extraordinary market developments.The current crisis is caused by extreme price increases and fluctuations, which could intensify further as a result of the war in the Ukraine. In contrast to the UBS rescue the energy companies are profitable, precisely because of the high energy prices. It is highly improbable that the electricity companies will use the liquidity support measures or, in the event of utilisation, that they cannot be repaid. It is therefore important that the conditions for the liquidity support measure are proportionate.Zusammenfassung

Eco­no­mic im­portance of hos­pi­tals pro­vi­ding pu­blic he­alth ser­vices in Bern

Polynomics has been commissioned by diespitä and the Verband der Privatspitäler des Kantons Bern (VPSB) to perform a study on the economic importance of hospitals providing public health services in the Canton of Bern. The findings show that the hospitals providing public health services are an important employer in the canton and have contributed significantly to the rise in the number of jobs and value creation in the canton in recent years. Patients in Bern benefit from a broad product portfolio and are very satisfied with the services. The hospitals’ reserve services also ensure that healthcare is quickly provided throughout the canton, which is a preference expressed by the public. The hospitals providing public health services in Bern provide all of these services in a market with increasingly complex and strict government requirements.

So­cial cos­ts of ad­dic­tion

On behalf of the FOPH, we have assessed the costs of addiction in Switzerland. In 2017, addiction causes social costs amounting to CHF 7.9 billion in Switzerland. If the human capital approach rather than the friction cost approach is used to calculate productivity losses, the total costs of addiction are CHF 11.7 billion. Of the total of CHF 7.9 billion, tobacco accounts for the largest share of costs at CHF 3.9 billion, followed by alcohol at just under CHF 2.8 billion and drugs at CHF 0.9 billion. The costs of gambling addiction, which are only partly covered by the study, amount to CHF 61 million. Other addictions were not included due to a lack of data. Link to publication