
Impact of the SFOE's Energy Perspectives 2050+ on the electricity distribution grid

The study analyses the effects of the Energy Perspectives 2050+ of the SFOE on the electricity distribution network, determines the network development requirements and states the resulting network costs and network tariffs until 2050. For this purpose, the developments of then main drivers, “electric mobility”, “heat pumps” and “photovoltaics”, that are forecast in various scenarios in the Energy Perspectives are distributed across Switzerland on the basis of a model that accounts for every individual building. A model network analysis is used for determining the resulting network infrastructure requirements and evaluating them in a network cost model. The thus determined real investments needed until 2050 amount to a minimum of CHF 45 billion for the “business as usual” [weiter wie bisher – WWB] scenario and a maximum of CHF 84 billion for the “net zero by 2050 with intensive electrification” [Netto-Null bis 2050 mit starker Elektrifizierung – ZERO A] scenario. This leads to an increase in network usage fees at network level 7 between 27% and 70%, taking into consideration the increasing use of electricity due to population growth and electrification.
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